Sundaram Mutual Fund NFO Details :
Mutual Fund | Sundaram Mutual Fund |
Scheme Name | Sundaram Business Cycle Fund |
Objective of Scheme | To provide long term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related securities with a focus on identifying medium term cycles which can impact the business fundamentals. This will be done through dynamic allocation between various themes and stocks at different stages of cycles in the economy. |
Scheme Type | Open Ended |
Scheme Category | Equity Scheme – Sectoral/ Thematic |
New Fund Launch Date | 05-Jun-2024 |
New Fund Earliest Closure Date | |
New Fund Offer Closure Date | 19-Jun-2024 |
Indicate Load Seperately | Entry Load: Nil. Exit Load: For redemption or withdrawal by way of SWP within 365 days from the date of allotment is 1%. For redemption or withdrawal by way of SWP after 365 days from the date of allotment is Nil. Further, exit load will be waived on Intra-scheme and Inter scheme Switch-outs/STP. |
Minimum Subscription Amount | 100 |
(source: amfiindia)
Scheme Documents