Mirae Asset Balanced Advantage Fund NFO
  • By Elite Wealth
  • / July 22, 2022
  • / whatsnew
Mutual Fund Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Scheme Name Mirae Asset Balanced Advantage Fund
Objective of Scheme The investment objective of the scheme is to capitalize on the potential upside of equities while attempting to limit the downside by dynamically managing the portfolio through investment in equity & equity related instruments and active use of debt, money market instruments and derivatives. However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized.
Scheme Type Open Ended
Scheme Category Hybrid Scheme – Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage
New Fund Launch Date 21-Jul-2022
New Fund Earliest Closure Date
New Fund Offer Closure Date 03-Aug-2022
Indicate Load Seperately a) Entry Load: Not Applicable b) Exit Load: For Investors who have not opted for SWP under the plan (including Switch out, STP out): – If redeemed within 1 year (365 days) from the date of allotment: 1% of the net asset value • If redeemed after 1 year (365 days) from the date of allotment: NIL For investors who have opted for SWP under the plan may refer Scheme Information Document for applicable provisions.
Minimum Subscription Amount 5000


Mirae Asset Balanced Advantage Fund NFO

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