
VLCC Health Care Limited IPO Company Profile:

VLCC is one of the leading Wellness and Beauty products and Service Company while sells its products from both online and off line channels. This company is located all over India and also expanding into global Markets like South Asia, South East Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council Region and East Africa.

VLCC caters to mid Income segment which is growing in India and this segment of beauty product and wellness is gaining traction in India.  In the Fiscal 2021, the company reported a total income of Rs 565 crore which saw a degrowth from last year due to covid, but reported profit of Rs 6.24 crore, with an EBITDA of Rs 150 crore as they have improved their EBITDA margin from 19.1% to 26.6% from last year.

VLCC Health Care Limited IPO Objective:

  • Investment for brand development;
  • Investment in digital and information technology infrastructure
  • General corporate purposes

Positive Outlook of the firm:

  • VLCC is a leader in the Indian beauty and wellness industry by market share.

  • VLCC has the largest scale and breadth of operations within the beauty and wellness services industry in India.

  • It has a D/E of 0.91 which would be seen as a relatively safe.

Promoters of the company:

  • Vandana Luthra is the promoter of the company.

VLCC Health Care Limited IPO Shareholding Pattern:

Particulars Pre-Issue
Promoters & Promoters Group 82.38%
Public 16.31%

VLCC Health Care Limited IPO Details :

Issue Size (Value) 389.22 Cr
Face Value Rs. 10
Issue price
Minimum lot
Market Lot
Stock Exchange
QIB Portion 75%
NIB Portion 15%
Retail Portion 10%
Fresh Issue 300 Cr
Offer for Sale 89.22 Cr

VLCC Health Care Limited IPO Financials:

Particulars (in Rs. Cr.) As at/ for the year ended March 31, 2021 As at/ for the year ended March 31, 2020 As at/ for the year ended March 31, 2019
Net Worth 709.65 661.01 732.17
Total revenue 565.24 775.02 861.30
Net Profit after tax 6.2 (15.4) (48.68)
Net cash inflow/ (outflows) 121.4 117.1 174.5

Lead Manager Details

  • ICICI Securities Limited

ICICI Centre, H.T. Parekh Marg Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 Maharashtra, India

Telephone: +91 22 2288 2460

E-mail: vlcc.ipo@icicisecurities.com

Investor Grievance ID: customercare@icicisecurities.com

Website: www.icicisecurities.com

Contact Person: Anurag Byas/ Kristina Dias

SEBI Registration Number: INM000011179


  • DAM Capital Advisors Limited

(Formerly IDFC Securities Limited)

One BKC, Tower C, 15th Floor, Unit No. 1511 Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 Maharashtra, India

Telephone: +91 22 4202 2500

E – mail: vlcc.ipo@damcapital.in

Investor Grievance ID: complaint@damcapital.in

Website: www.damcapital.in

Contact Person: Chandresh Sharma

SEBI Registration Number: MB/INM000011336


  • IIFL Securities Limited

10th Floor, IIFL Centre Kamala City, Senapati Bapat Marg Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013 Maharashtra, India

Telephone: +91 22 4646 4600

E-mail: vlcc.ipo@iiflcap.com

Investor Grievance ID: ig.ib@iiflcap.com

Website: www.iiflcap.com

Contact Person: Pinkesh Soni/ Dhruv Bhagwat

SEBI Registration Number: INM000010940